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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Petru Rotaru, Member of the CoARM, was appointed as Head of the State Fiscal Service

  • 29.03.2023
  • 769

Today, March 29, Petru Rotaru, Member of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) was appointed Head of the State Fiscal Service. His candidacy was presented at the beginning of the Governmentțs meeting by the Minister of Finance, Veronica Sirețeanu, and was supported by the entire Cabinet of Ministers.

With an important previous experience in fiscal bodies, in 2016, Mr. Rotaru was appointed by the Parliament as Member of the Court of Accounts. Later, in November 2021, as a result of the competition organized by the CoARM, he was appointed by the Parliament for a new mandate as Member of the supreme audit institution of the Republic of Moldova.

In this position, Mr. Rotaru was responsible for the field of public finances, the evaluation of the activity of the Ministry of Finance, the execution of the state budget, the budgetary-fiscal policy, the public debt, etc.

We are glad that the CoARM contributes to the development of the Republic of Moldova not only through its direct activity of external public audit at the level of INTOSAI requirements, but also through the training of cadres, who are entrusted with high leadership positions in the country.

On the occasion of the appointment, the management and the CoARM’s collective send sincere congratulations to their colleague and wish him much success and beautiful achievements in the new field of activity.

We express our firm belief that Mr. Rotaru will demonstrate the same professionalism and responsibility that he learned and demonstrated in his capacity as a member of the CoARM.

We mention that in the last 4 years, about 30 employees of the CoARM have been recruited in various public positions of high and medium level management, in multiple state institutions in the governmental and parliamentary system.

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