
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Celebration of the Danube Transnational Program 2014-2020 in the Republic of Moldova


On September 21, the Office for the Management of External Assistance Programs celebrated the completion of the Transnational Danube Program 2014-2020, together with partners, project managers, project implementers and representatives of several public institutions, such as the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development. The event was organized as part of the European Cooperation Day and was moderated by Diana Grosu-Axenti, deputy director of the Office for the Management of External Assistance Programs.

On September 21, the Office for the Management of External Assistance Programs celebrated the completion of the Transnational Danube Program 2014-2020, together with partners, project managers, project implementers and representatives of several public institutions, such as the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development. The event was organized as part of the European Cooperation Day and was moderated by Diana Grosu-Axenti, deputy director of the Office for the Management of External Assistance Programs.

The Danube Transnational Program 2014-2020 allowed the 14 eligible states, including the Republic of Moldova, to benefit from a total budget of over 274 million euros, in order to implement projects in the social, infrastructure, culture and sustainable energy fields. During the mentioned period, 23 projects were implemented in the Republic of Moldova.

The celebratory event was launched with the speech of Magdalena Mueller-Uri, Head of the Cooperation Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, who mentioned the undoubted importance of such projects in Moldova and emphasized the readiness of the European Union to support the states involved in the Danube Transnational Program. Afterwards, were analyzed the results and opportunities of the Program, presented by the project coordinators from different institutions. The event continued in the fishbowl format in the second session, where the project partners and beneficiaries presented the results and lessons learned from the implementation of the projects.

Towards the end of the event, the 2021-2027 Danube Region Program and the eligibility conditions within the project were presented, launching the call for all those wishing to make a change and get involved.

We should mention that the role of the Court of Accounts in this process was to contribute to ensuring the procedures for the implementation of cross-border and transnational cooperation programs, namely, in the field of audit and control management, the recovery of European Union’s (EU) funds obtained and/or used irregularly, through fraud or corruption, as well as the prevention and combating of these phenomena.