
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Cooperation between the Supreme Audit Institution and the Legislative Institution, discussed with the leadership of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine


Marian Lupu, President of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) and Dmitro Razumkov, President of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine discussed the prospects concerning the cooperation between the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, and the importance of effective SAI relations with national legislatures.

Marian Lupu, President of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) and Dmitro Razumkov, President of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine discussed the prospects concerning the cooperation between the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, and the importance of effective SAI relations with national legislatures.

The official meeting of the CoARM’s delegation with the leadership of the Ukrainian Parliament took place today, August 20, in the context of the working visit organized in Kiev, between August 19-21, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Court of Accounts of Ukraine, Valeriy Patskan.

Marian Lupu informed the speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament about the directions of cooperation between the two SAIs, stipulated in the new Cooperation Agreement, to be signed today by the Heads of the supreme audit institutions, as well as about the intentions of the two institutions to boost bilateral cooperation on various international platforms.

In this context, the President of the CoARM informed about the launch of the initiative to sign a memorandum of understanding between the SAIs of the “associated trio” countries - the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. The memorandum will set out a series of cooperation objectives of the three institutions from the EU partner countries, in order to achieve the objectives of developing external public audit and alignment with international profile standards, aspects stipulated in the National Association Agreements with the EU. The document will provide a regulatory basis for undertaking various trilateral actions, boosting the exchange of experience and good practices in the process of strengthening and developing external public audit, in line with the commitments made within the EU association process.

Approaching the cooperation of the three supreme audit institutions on important European platforms, such as the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Parliament of Georgia, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, and the Ad-hoc Working Group on Association Agreements within the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly, will impose enhancing of the cooperation between the three SAIs and a broader approach to the implementation of the provisions of the Association Agreements on the aspect of external public audit, Marian Lupu remarked.

Dmitro Razumkov welcomed the initiative of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova, emphasizing the importance of the intention of the three supreme audit institutions to combine their efforts in order to achieve common goals. The President of the Ukrainian Parliament noted that in a democratic country, the work of the supreme audit institution is of major importance in ensuring the function of parliamentary control.

We mention that, in the context of the visit of the CoARM’s delegation to the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, the CoARM’s President had a series of discussions with other dignitaries within the Ukrainian Parliament. The CoARM’s delegation was accompanied by Ruslan Bolboceanu, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Ukraine.