
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Cooperation of the Court of Accounts with the State Audit Office of Latvia


During May 1-5, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CCRM) was visited by the experts from the State Audit Office (SAO) of Latvia. The visit took place in the context of the cooperation project between the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Latvia and the Republic of Moldova, within the Program for SAIs within the Eastern Partnership, implemented by SAO of the Republic of Latvia.

During May 1-5, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CCRM) was visited by the experts from the State Audit Office (SAO) of Latvia. The visit took place in the context of the cooperation project between the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Latvia and the Republic of Moldova, within the Program for SAIs within the Eastern Partnership, implemented by SAO of the Republic of Latvia.

During the mission, several meetings and workshops took place with the team of managers from the Court of Accounts, involved in the cooperation project, in order to exchange experience in the field of reporting and auditing the state budget. The audit of consolidated state accounts are established as a priority area of ​​support within the project, both for the CoARM and for the Ministry of Finance, as the authority that administers the consolidated accounts of the state.

Discussions regarding cooperation and the consolidation of good practices in the field of public finance was organized on May 3rd, within the premises of the State Fiscal Service (SFS). The meeting took place at the initiative of the CoARM with the participation of Tatiana Șevciuc, Member of the CoARM, Natalia Trofim, Head of the General Audit Department, as well as the CoARM’s auditors, involved in the project's activities. The State Fiscal Service’s team was led by Petru Rotaru, SFS’s Director. Also, the SAO’s experts of Latvia, Lelde Dimante and Guna Krumina, participated within the meeting.

The development of capacities for the financial audit of the Government's report on the execution of the state budget was one of the topics addressed by the meeting participants. One of the important components within this audit, is the auditing of the state budget revenues, the significant part of which is administered by the SFS’s bodies.

Simultaneously, in the context of the approval of the Public Finance Management Development Strategy for 2023-2030, which includes areas of intervention, specific objectives and priority directions related to the field of fiscal administration, were discussed multiple findings reported by the CoARM during the last audits regarding the administration of revenues and the system of fiscal facilities.

During the discussions, aspects were noted with reference to the development of the reporting framework for the calculation of payment obligations and arrears of taxpayers to the state budget, as well as the revision of the system of fiscal facilities as a result of the cost-efficiency analysis.