
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

International training for the specialized staff of the supreme audit institution


The representative of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova participated today, October 19, in the international seminar "English Auditing: Introduction to Financial Auditing".

The representative of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova participated today, October 19, in the international seminar "English Auditing: Introduction to Financial Auditing".

The seminar is organized by the Supreme Audit Office of Poland and is intended for specialized services, such as translators and staff from the external relations subdivisions of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). The moderators were the representatives of the National Audit Office of Great Britain (NAO GB) - Anna Wydra and Steve Mirfin, financial auditors. They tried not only to initiate the participants in carrying out the financial audit, but presented the main notions in the form of a case study – the audit carried out by NAO GB at the Royal House of Great Britain.

The participants of the seminar were challenged to carry out a financial audit and had the opportunity to learn details behind the scenes of the audit of the Royal House of Great Britain.

We remind you that the seminar is in its second session and aims to initiate the specialized staff within the SAI, in order to increase its efficiency, but also in order to offer support to the auditors.