
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Meeting of the Group of Auditors of the JOP "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020"


During the current September 20-21, representatives of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) attended the 5th meeting of the Group of Auditors of the Joint Operational Program (JOP) "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020", organized in Istanbul, Turkey.

During the current September 20-21, representatives of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) attended the 5th meeting of the Group of Auditors of the Joint Operational Program (JOP) "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020", organized in Istanbul, Turkey.

The purpose of this meeting was the professional development of the personnel involved in the program and the addressing of some problems and deficiencies encountered in the auditing process of the projects financed by the European Union within the JOP "Black Sea Basin 2014-2021".

During the event, the results obtained as a result of the cooperation of the countries within the projects financed by the program, in the fields of social, cultural, medicine, environment, infrastructure, were presented.

Also, issues related to the findings of the European Commission’s auditors exposed in the Final Compliance Audit Report for the period 2014-2020 "Review of the work of the audit authorities" were addressed. For each of the formulated findings, the deficiencies found by the auditors of the European Commission and, respectively, the actions to be improved at the Audit Authority/Group of Auditors level were discussed.

At the same time, it was also discussed about the deficiencies identified by the groups of auditors at the beneficiary level in the audits carried out previously (2019-2022), a summary of the findings and recommendations included in the audit reports being presented and the measures to be taken to remedy the deficiencies found by the European Commission auditors being presented.

We mention that throughout the Government’s Decision no. 576/2017, the Court of Accounts was assigned the capacity of National Audit Authority with the function of auditing cross-border cooperation programs through the group of auditors.