
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

PEFA preliminary evaluation report, discussed within the Supervisory Board


The representatives of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) participated in the meeting of the PEFA Evaluation Supervisory Board, organized by the evaluation officers – the World Bank Office in the Republic of Moldova, in online format, on May 16.

The representatives of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) participated in the meeting of the PEFA Evaluation Supervisory Board, organized by the evaluation officers – the World Bank Office in the Republic of Moldova, in online format, on May 16.

The meeting was attended by officials from ECFIN (European Commission), the EU Delegation to Moldova, representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Parliament's Public Finance Control Committee and the Court of Accounts. The purpose of the event was to document, analyze and agree on the final acceptance procedure, publication and promotion of the PEFA evaluation report of the central public authorities of the Republic of Moldova. Participants were also acknowledged about the PEFA assessment of local public authorities in the country.

A separate aspect, discussed during the event, was the elaboration of the new strategy for the development of public finance management (PFM) of the Republic of Moldova. In this context, Ecaterina Paknehad, Head of the Apparatus of the CoARM, noted the importance of providing EU expertise support in the context of the strategy being developed by the MoF, in order to take over and implement international public sector financial reporting methodologies and standards at national level. Concomitant, Ms. Paknehad reiterated the openness and readiness of the Court of Accounts to provide the necessary support in the process of drafting this important national document on the compartments falling within the jurisdiction of the Court of Accounts.

During the discussions, Luca Oriani, ECFIN (European Commission) representative, noted the Court of Accounts' outstanding contribution to improving public financial management (PFM), emphasizing that the EU will continue to support the CoARM in its institutional strengthening and to improve the country's financial management.

We must highlight that PEFA is a tool for assessing the status of public finance management. The PEFA methodology can be re-applied in successive evaluations to track developments over time. Previously, the Republic of Moldova conducted four PEFA evaluations: in 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2015.