
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Seminar organized with the World Bank support


On 14-19 January 2009, 30 CoA employees participate in the seminar on “Writing Better Audit Reports”, organized with the support of the World Bank under subproject Performance Audit and IT system Audit, compartment related to profession building.

The seminar is attended by the members of the team conducting the pilot performance audits in the area of fighting cancer and public procurements as well as the employees of the Department for Methodological and Legal Support.

This seminar is an analysis of the techniques to be used for drafting efficient performance audit reports.

After the seminar is completed, the participants will be able to:
•    Plan a report that would address the needs of the readers;
•    Integrate the report writing process into the audit activity;
•    Develop audit objectives to structure the audit activity and final report;
•    Describe and develop connections between objectives, findings and recommendations;
•    Adapt the audit objectives in order to be used as preliminary organizers in a report;
•    Include adequate visual materials;
•    Follow a step-by-step process to revise, correct and edit a report.

During the seminar, the participants will work with study cases and practice the techniques in the process of developing a report.

After the seminar, the participants will apply these techniques in practice, to carry out their curretn tasks.