
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The Court of Accounts continues discussions on the development of the Competence Framework


Creating a competency framework is an effective method to assess, maintain and monitor the knowledge, skills and attributes of people in an institution. The framework enables the measurement of current levels of competence to ensure that staff members have the necessary expertise to carry out their duties.

Creating a competency framework is an effective method to assess, maintain and monitor the knowledge, skills and attributes of people in an institution. The framework enables the measurement of current levels of competence to ensure that staff members have the necessary expertise to carry out their duties.

We mention that the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) continues discussions with experts from the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) in order to develop a framework of professional competences. 

In this context, on November 16, an online meeting was held with SNAO representatives and the CoARM’s Working Group responsible for developing the framework of professional competences required for financial, compliance and performance competences.

During the meeting, the participants addressed various aspects of the model of professional competences, provided by international standards, such as the establishment of competences by roles, basic competences and additional competences, the evaluation of professional competences, etc.

The development and implementation of the professional competences framework is one of the objectives stipulated in the CoARM’s Development Strategy for the period 2021-2025.