
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The Court of Accounts will not be involved in speculation-based scenarios


On July 16, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) issued a press release, in response to the various statements that circulated within the public space in connection with the cyber-attack on the institution's website and to combat unfounded versions.

On July 16, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) issued a press release, in response to the various statements that circulated within the public space in connection with the cyber-attack on the institution's website and to combat unfounded versions.

Subsequently, this week, on a series of media platforms, intentionally, another theory was promoted, focused on achieving obvious goals, with allusions to the fact that the CoARM would favor a concrete company in the tenders related to information technology - the company DAAC System Integrator LLC.

In the context of the emergence of biased information, the Court of Accounts comes up with details to clarify the situation.

The public procurements, starting with October 2018, are organized through the MTender system, after the operation of the amendments to the Law on public procurement no. 131 from 03.07.2015, by introducing the auction conducted electronically as a standard for all public sector entities in the Republic of Moldova. MTender is a multi-platform online e-procurement system consisting of a web portal, an Open Data Central Unit, and a multi-platform network in the private sector, accredited to support tenders conducted electronically for public and private sector customers. Auctions conducted through the system are transparent, equidistant and are based on the automatic selection of the winner, according to the price and quality offer.

At the same time, we inform you that the public tenders took place prior to the implementation of the MTender system, according to the provisions of the mentioned Law. Thus, the company DAAC System Integrator LLC was the winner of some tenders in the IT field, organized by the CoARM previously. Also, according to publicly available information on the MTender platform, the company was repeatedly announced the winner of a series of other tenders organized by public institutions, such as the National Bank of Moldova, the Information and Security Service, NSIH, the President's Office , Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Public Services Agency, National Financial Market Committee, Central Electoral Committee, Public Property Agency, Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Equality, Prevention and Combating Money Laundering, Center for Information Technologies in Finance, Academy of Economic Studies, Legal Information Resources Agency, etc.

The company is also one of the main contractors for the same type of services and for private sector companies, including the most important and those with foreign investment.

The Court of Accounts informs that the legal framework in the field of public procurement involves a series of transparent procedures and provisions, which are not limited to the MTender system. Simultaneously with the mentioned contract, the institution has contractual relations with other companies that offer services on other segments in the IT field.

The normative-legal framework in the field of public procurement does not contain provisions or regulations regarding the owners, shareholders of the companies participating in the tenders, or their location, being evaluated important components such as aspects of price, quality, financial and functional efficiency. The Court of Accounts is strictly guided by the legislation in force, which excludes subjective and preferential approaches.

Thus, according to the legislation in the field, the public procurement process within the state entities is ensured by the working groups on public procurement, which assess the procurement needs, elaborate the annual procurement plans, as well as organize the procurement procedures. This provision is strictly observed within the CoARM, the working group on public procurement being composed of public auditors of the Court of Accounts, with the necessary experience and knowledge in the field. This working group successfully performs all its tasks, as confirmed by the external audit, to which the Court of Accounts is regularly subject.

In the context of the above, we mention that the Court of Accounts will not be involved in all kinds of scenarios, based on speculation, but will continue to fulfill its mandate and activity in accordance with Organic Law no. 260, which comes to confirm the country's commitments regarding the external public audit, provided in art. 49 of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

At the same time, we announce that the investigation process by the investigative bodies of the case related to the cyber-attack on the institution's website continues. The Court of Accounts actively participates in this process, ensuring the necessary exchange of information. At the request of the investigating bodies, the Court of Accounts will not provide additional details or information on the progress of the investigation so as not to prejudice the investigation.

We also mention that there is intense work on restoring the functionality of the institution's website, which will be accessible, in development and updating, at the latest at the beginning of next week. We reiterate that informing the public also takes place through the pages of the Court of Accounts on the social networks https://www.facebook.com/Curtea.de.Conturi and https://www.youtube.com/user/CurteadeConturi.