
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The official visit of the SNAO delegation to the Court of Accounts




On 27 September, an official delegation of the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) visited the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA).

The SNAO management was represented by Magnus Lindell, Deputy Auditor General and Kameran Khudur, Project Manager of cooperation, and by the SNAO experts Anita Nilsson and Jens Eriksson. SNAO is one of the external development partners who have given considerable support to the CoA in the implementation of the institutional reforms and the introduction of the international auditing standards.

On the first day, the SNAO delegation met with the President of the Court of Accounts, Veaceslav Untila and with the CoA members: Marina Covali, Tatiana Cunetchi, Petru Rotaru, the Head of Staff of the CoA, Valeriu Chitan and with the Heads of the General Divisions within the CoA.

During the visit were presented the steps of the CoA-SNAO collaboration, which began in 2006 and involved trainings, methodological assistance, adjustment of the normative-legal framework, information exchange, takeover of experience and best practices, study visits, financial support etc. In addition, they discussed on the aspects of the cooperation, to be included in the future action plans and agreements.

The SNAO experts, Anita Nilsson and Jens Eriksson attended a workshop with the employees of the General Division II of the CoA (social sector and national economy finance audit), where was shared the experience gained during the audit mission on consolidated financial statements at the Ministry of health.

The CoA employees and the SNAO experts will work together in a workshop, which will last four days. The workshop is organized in the context of the CoA-SNAO cooperation project focused on the development of the institutional capacities of the SAI.