
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The President of the Court of Accounts had a meeting with the delegation of the Swedish Embassy


The progress achieved by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), as well as aspects related to the consolidation of the institution, were discussed today, February 6, during a meeting between Marian Lupu, President of the CoARM and Karin Borovic, Head of the Development Cooperation of the Embassy of Sweden.

The progress achieved by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), as well as aspects related to the consolidation of the institution, were discussed today, February 6, during a meeting between Marian Lupu, President of the CoARM and Karin Borovic, Head of the Development Cooperation of the Embassy of Sweden.

The meeting was organized following the discussions held by the CoARM’s delegation and officials from the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida), during the visit to the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO), organized in December 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Marian Lupu informed about the progress of the Court of Accounts and the national and international evaluations that confirm these achievements of the supreme audit institution in the country. Also, the President of the CoARM reported on the challenges faced by the CoARM in the context of implementing strategic objectives and contributing to increasing the performance of public financial management.

The President of the Court of Accounts noted the ample support from the counterpart institution in Sweden - SNAO, in the process of reforming and strengthening the CoARM. This support, given by the Swedish colleagues for more than 15 years, is particularly important and current, especially in the context of aligning with international profile standards and taking over good European practices, on the way to the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the EU.

Karin Borovic welcomed the achievements of the Court of Accounts and discussed Sweden's support and contribution to the development of the Republic of Moldova, within the financing of programs related to public administration, civil society, economic growth and social development.

The officials agreed to continue the discussions focused on opportunities to provide support for strengthening the institutional capacities of the Court of Accounts, to boost the improvement of public finance management, with the CoARM being an important counterpart in this process.