
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The seventh session of the Advisory Committee for implementing the Support Project through technical assistance for strategic development of the Court of Accounts


On December 17, 2010, the Court of Accounts office hosted the seventh session of the Advisory Committee for implementing the Support Project through technical assistance for strategic development of the Court of Accounts, managed by the World Bank through the Multi Donor Trust Fund (DFID) and Dutch Government. The event was attended by representatives of donor institutions - the World Bank, DFID, the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO), as well as by representatives of the Department for policies, strategic and external planning of the State Chancellery, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Informational Development and Communications.                                                                       

The meeting’s agenda included several effective reports of the Court of Accounts related to its progress and alignment to the international audit standards. In their opening speeches, President of the Court of Accounts, Mrs. Ala Popescu, and representatives of DFID, SNAO and the State Chancellery mentioned with satisfaction about the affirmation of the Court of Accounts as an independent supreme audit institution which became an effective tool for monitoring public money in Moldova.                                                    

However, Mrs. Ala Popescu said that, applying the experience obtained from foreign partners and highly developed supreme audit institutions, the Court of Accounts continues the alignment to the international standards of public external audit and the on-going transformation of its institutional capacities. The Court of Accounts always followed its own goals and mission, engaged by SDP for 2006-2010 - to execute independent, credible, transparent and professional audits on the management of public funds and public property, in the purpose to promote high standards of financial management for the benefit of Moldovan citizens.                                       

Vice-President of the Court, Mrs. Elisaveta Foca, responsible for implementing the Support Project through technical assistance for strategic development of the Court of Accounts, managed by the World Bank, presented the report on the strategic development of the Court of Accounts - achievements and progress. In her report, Vice President of the Court of Accounts noted that the 4th year of institutional reform was an efficient and turning one in terms of development and progress towards best practices and audit standards, outlining that during 2010 the Project activities were conducted in accordance with the Activities Implementation Plan for the period of project’s extension until June 30, 2011, which was approved by the Court of Accounts in February, 2010. The activities were oriented towards:                                                     

-    maintaining and developing the capacity and skills to conduct regularity, performance, and IT audits, improving the quality of audit work;
-    implementing an improved IT capacity;
-    improving human resources management;
-    developing the relations with Parliament, etc.

Besides, during the meeting, there were presented reports on implementation of information system of the Court of Accounts - IT equipment and licenses, computer systems, as well as the report on the results obtained in 2010 in the light of CoA-NAOS institutional cooperation.

Mrs. Nina Lupan, Treasury Director, presented the report on progress obtained in performing the Public Finance Management Project in 2010 and prospects for the future, while Mr. Ion Sirbu, Head of the Department for harmonization of public internal financial control system of the Ministry of Finance informed participants of the meeting about the development achieved in the implementation of public internal financial control in 2010.                                        

In conclusion, President of the Court of Accounts, Mrs. Ala Popescu said that the Court consistently performs its commitments to promote a higher accountability of the leaders who manage public funds and to help government authorities better manage the resources allocated or made available.                                                

In this context, Mrs. Ala. Popescu reiterated that the Court of Accounts will continue its transformation and development in order to become both de jure and de facto a base of public accountability and will contribute to a better parliamentary supervision, the development of the Government’s control system and efficient implementation of public budgets and policies.