
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The Xth EUROSAI Congress


The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova attended the Xth EUROSAI Congress, which was organized at Istanbul, Turkey in the period 22-25 May 2017.

The EUROSAI Congress it is an important event organized once every three years, constitute a unique forum for cooperation, and decision making for SAIs, as well and for Members of the EUROSAI Governing Board.

The main theme of the Congress was "Implementation of the ISSAIs: Challenges and Solutions for Further Improvement".

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova was represented by a delegation composed by Mr. Veaceslav UNTILA, President of the CoA, Mr. Andrei MUNTEANU, Member of the CoA, Mr. Petru ROTARU, Member of the CoA and Mrs. Violeta BALAN, Chef of International relations and communication Section. 

The Programme of four days included Plenary Sessions, working groups, debates and meetings of the Governing Boards.

The results expected were to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences between the SAI with the aim to contribute at the improvement in the framework of ISSAIs through technical discussions and strategic conclusions.