
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

International seminar for auditors from Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova



In the period of 20 - 22 May 2015, a delegation of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova attended the international seminar on the experience of development and strengthening of the Supreme Audit Institutions in the context of the European integration, organized by the Supreme Audit Office of Poland.

The training was dedicated to the auditors from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and addresses topics on combating and preventing corruption as part of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), SAI activity of Poland against the challenges resulting from Poland's transformation of local governance and audit funds pre-accession to the European Court of Auditors.

Our delegation was composed by:

Mr. Gheorghe Mihai - Head of Staff

Mrs. Lilia Ivasco - Head of Human Resources and Security Division

Mrs. Angela Curchin - Deputy Chief of General Division of Methodology, Planning and Analysis

Mrs. Irina Gutnic - Deputy Chief of Audit of Local Public Authorities General Division

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova and the Supreme Audit Office of Poland has signed a Cooperation Agreement in 2008 in Krakow.