
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Round table on the international evaluation of the Court of Accounts


The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) organized, on October 5, a round table on the results of the first international "peer review" evaluation of the country's supreme audit institution.

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) organized, on October 5, a round table on the results of the first international "peer review" evaluation of the country's supreme audit institution.

The event brought together representatives of the European Commission, the World Bank, the Delegation of the European Union, foreign embassies, as well as representatives of the Presidency, the Ministry of Finance and the State Chancellery. Representatives of civil society and professional organizations also participated in the round table.

The results of the international evaluation were presented by Mr. Alastair Swarbrick and Ms. Inguna Sudraba, SIGMA experts - the joint initiative of the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

"The Court of Accounts has shown courage in initiating the international review of its work, as well as a desire to improve its performance further," noted Mr Swarbrick.

Mr. Luca Oriani Vieyra, the representative of the Directorate General for Neighborhood and Extension (DG NEAR) of the European Commission, congratulated the Court of Accounts on the excellent results of the international evaluation and emphasized the compliance of its activity with the standards and good practices of the European Union in the field of public audit external. The European official also mentioned the performances of the Court of Accounts certified in the evaluation of public expenditures and financial responsibility of the Republic of Moldova (PEFA) and evoked the importance of ensuring the independence of the Court of Accounts, including financial independence.

His Excellency, Mr. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia congratulated the Court of Accounts for the excellent results of the evaluation, noting the contribution of the State Audit Office of Latvia, which was one of the partners of the "peer review" exercise.

"Moldova has always been and will remain one of the priority countries for the development support granted by Latvia, in the context of the implementation of reforms, including in the field of strengthening public administration and governance. In this context, the cooperation established between the supreme audit institutions of Moldova and Latvia in the context of sharing good practices and experience will continue in the coming years", remarked Mr. Ambassador.

Mr. Necib Afşarata, the representative of the Turkish Embassy, ​​reiterated the importance of continuing the cooperation established between the Courts of Accounts of both countries, the supreme audit institution in Turkey also being part of the "peer review" team.

"The World Bank (WB) has witnessed the progress made by the Court of Accounts during the last 16 years, the supreme audit institution benefiting from two technical assistance projects implemented by the WB", mentioned Ms. Oxana Druță, representative of the WB Office in Moldova.

"We enjoy the cooperation we have with the Court of Accounts, which is trained in auditing projects implemented by the World Bank, and in the future we would like the CoARM to audit as many WB-financed projects as possible", added Ms. Druță.

Also, during the discussions, the civil society representatives noted the importance of using the results of the activity of the supreme audit institution by the state authorities, through the appropriate implementation of the audit recommendations.

Mr. Marian Lupu, the President of the CoARM thanked the team of evaluators for the work done and mentioned that the recommendations of the international evaluation will be translated into practical actions to implement the strategic objectives of the institution. The President of the Court of Accounts expressed the openness of the supreme audit institution to continue the active cooperation with professional organizations and civil society, as well as the effective cooperation with the development partners of the Court of Accounts.