
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Round table regarding the cooperation between the CoA and the Parliament


On 5-6 May 2015, at the Palace of the Republic the round table "The cooperation between the Court of Accounts and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova" took place.

The event was organized by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA) within the Twinning Project "Consolidation and strengthening of the external public audit in the Republic of Moldova", a project which is implemented with the support of the European Union and the external development partners - HAUS Finish Institute for the Public Management and the Court of Accounts of Spain.

The international meeting was opened by Serafim Urechean, president of the Court of Accounts, who highlighted the importance of an effective cooperation between the ISA and the Parliament, in order to improve the situation in the domain of implementation of the recommendations and the management of public money.

Pirkka Tapiola, Head of EU Delegation in Moldova spoke about the importance of the project implemented with the support of the EU in the context of strengthening and adjusting the Moldovan public external audit at international standards and best practices of EU countries.

Stefan Creanga, Chairman of the Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance expressed his conviction that by a constructive dialogue between the Court of Accounts and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova there will be identified the most effective practical cooperation without harming the independence of these institutions.

At the event participated the management and employees of the Court of Accounts, EU Delegation representatives in Moldova, parliamentarians,  representatives of profile committees of the Parliament, representatives of other central public authorities, civil society and experts from seven countries: Mr. Martin Kavena, legal adviser, Chamber of Deputies Office, Czech Parliament; Mr. Jacek Mazul, President adviser of the Supreme Audit Office, Poland; Mr. Klaus Krokfors, Deputy State Administration of Auditors Association, Finland; Mrs. Joana Miranda Figueiredo, political adviser, Parliamentary Committee on Budget, Finance and Public Administration, Portugal; Mr. Daniel Maracineanu, Parliamentary adviser, Committee on Budget, Finance and Banking, Romania; Mr. Joaquin Garcia Pando, Deputy Technical Director, Department of Criminal Investigation, Court of Accounts, Spain; Mrs. María Luz Martin, Deputy Director, Audit Section Presidency, Spain; Mr. Borja Cardajosa, legal adviser, Court of Accounts, Spain and Mr. Esko Mustonen, RTA, Finland.

On the first day of the event, Mrs. Angela Pascaru, member of the Court of Accounts, Twinning Project Leader from the CoA, presented the current situation on the Court of Accounts cooperation with the Moldovan Parliament, on the key elements to improve the dialogue and ensure the external audit activity impact.

At the workshops, held on the first day of the event, the foreign experts presented the organization and functioning of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), increased attention being paid to the main elements of the legal frameworks, different models of the relations between Parliament and ISA, the ways of appointing the members of ISA, etc.

The second day of the event involved workshops, presentations, discussions on ensuring the financial independence and relations with the ISA (ISA budget approval, the approval number of staff ISA, ISA auditing, presenting the financial report by the ISA to the Parliament); the overview of various models of the aspects examined by the Parliament referring to ISA, Parliament's influence on the selection of areas audited by ISA; rules concerning the development and modification of audit reports in order to meet Parliament, presenting the annual report to the Parliament by the ISA and audit reports, follow up the implementation of recommendations included in the annual report to the Parliament, etc.