
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The Court of Accounts delegated trainers to the Center for Information Technology in Finance (CITF)


The employees of the Court of Accounts participated between June 6-24, as trainers in the training course for internal auditors in the public sector.

The employees of the Court of Accounts participated between June 6-24, as trainers in the training course for internal auditors in the public sector.

The training course was organized by the Public Institution "Center for Information Technologies in Finance" (CITF), jointly with the Ministry of Finance and is intended to provide institutional support in the process of continuous development of the professional capacities of staff working in areas such as public finance, public procurement, tax and customs.

The purpose of the training course was to meet the requirements of professional skills in order to become and subsequently maintain the quality of "certified internal auditor".

The program of these courses included a set of important topics, such as:

  • Communication with the management of the audited unit during the internal audit engagement
  • Submission of the draft audit report
  • The report’s structure and information included
  • Final audit report. Approval. Submission to the relevant parties
  • Compliance with applicable financial (reporting) laws, rules and regulations
  • Specific methodology for performing the financial audit
  • Value for money/Economy, efficiency, effectiveness
  • Principles of performance measurement
  • The IT systems development process
  • IT standards
  • Specific methodology for conducting IT audit; etc.

We mention that the Court of Accounts is an institution, which continuously collaborates with entities both nationally and internationally through the exchange of experience, training, workshops, thus ensuring performance and success in the work of the supreme audit institution.