
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The Court of Accounts held the meeting of the Liaison Officers of Network of the SAI from EU candidate and potential candidate countries


The Liaison Officers of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) of the Network from the EU candidate and potential candidate countries met into a working meeting on February 14 in Brussels, Belgium.

The Liaison Officers of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) of the Network from the EU candidate and potential candidate countries met into a working meeting on February 14 in Brussels, Belgium.

The event was organized by the Court of Accounts of Republic of Moldova (CoARM), which ensures the presidency of the Network, in cooperation with Court of Accounts of Belgium. The meeting took place in a hybrid format, and  met the Liaison Officers of the Network SAI members such as: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Turkey and Ukraine. Also, there were present liaison officers and representatives of the Supreme Audit Institutions and observing or partner status organizations of the Network: European Court of Accounts, SAI from Sweden and SAI from Romania (which represents the Joint  Working Group on Audit Activities of the Contact Committee – JWGAA), SIGMA, Kosovo*.

The Liaison Officer of the Network SAI that ensure the presidency, Violeta Balan, Head of External Relations and Communication Department of the CoARM, reviewed the Network activities organized in 2023, according to the Plan of activity of the Network for the 2022-2025 period. Also, the Chair of the meeting offered details about the stipulations of the new Network Cooperation Framework, approved in 2023, the aspects which aim to be reviewed or clarified, as well as discussed the planned events and the new initiatives soon to be implemented. 

Good to mention that the Network of the Supreme Audit Institutions from the EU candidate and potential candidate countries is a professional cooperation platform, the main characters in organizing the events and actions being the Liaison Officers of the Network. The decision making procedure is ensured by the Heads of the member SAIs, in case of some documents approvals.

Besides members, to the activity of the Network take part the Liaison Officers and the representatives of the Supreme Audit Institutions with observer status, as well as the Network partners: SIGMA, the common initiative of OECD and EU, European Court of Auditors as well as the Joint  Working Group on Audit Activities of the Contact Committee – JWGAA, which ensured the cooperation between the Network and the Contact Committee. The Court of Accounts ensures the Presidency of the Network since the end of 2023.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.