
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The Hungarian colleagues appreciate the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova




The State Audit Office of the Hungary selected the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA) to adapt the needs of the national project on integrity, together with the SAI of Ukraine, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. The decision was taken recently, at the IV International Seminar "The integrity survey of the State Audit Office of Hungary and its utilization in the work of the management" which took place at Szarvas and Budapest, Hungary.  

At the seminar attended 41 representatives from 24 countries members of INTOSAI: Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brasilia, Gambia, Georgia, Irak, Kosovo, Laos, Macedonia, Moldova, Maroc, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam. The CoA was represented by Tatiana Vozian, Chief of Professional Training Division who is implicated in the anticorruption activities and Violeta Balan, Chief of the External Relations and Communication Section, coordinator / trainer in the methodology for integrity self-assessment for SAIs - IntoSAINT. The participants discussed issues related to combating corruption, ensuring institutional integrity, transparency, ethics and communication. Hungarian colleagues shared their own experiences in implementing of the integrity project, based on the methodology of the Netherlands Court of Audit - IntoSAINT. The trainings included presentations, workshops, individual work, practical exercises, etc.   

Mr. Laszlo Domokos, President of the SAI of Hungary chaired the opening Conference of the international seminar as moderators, being involved and Gavin Ugale, political analyst and OECD manager, Shourjo Chatterjee - manager of strategy and knowledge area of the IDI, Helena A. Lopes - the lawyer of the SAI of Portugal which is the Presidency of the Task Force EUROSAI on Audit and Ethics, etc. At the seminar were discussed the following topics: "Developing the reasonability of the use of public funds", the role of SAI in overseeing integrity in the public sector, "Sharing knowledge in combating corruption", the contribution of the Task Force to review INTOSAI Code of Ethics ISSAI 30 and modern approaches integrity, etc.

Violeta Balan mentioned, "The project on integrity, promoted by the SAI of Hungary, started in 2009, but the preliminary project activities were launched in 2007. SAI of Hungary took the good practices from the Netherlands Court of Audit, as well and the methodology for integrity self-assessment for SAIs - IntoSAINT. Being selected by the Hungarian colleagues, the initiative supposes that it will provide the professional support from the SAI of Hungary in adopting the project on the national needs and for taking over the Hungarian experience in implementing of such a project".