
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The results of the international evaluation discussed within the Court of Accounts


The results of the peer review show that the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) has taken action to develop practices necessary to comply with INTOSAI International Standards and to build an independent and credible institution.

The results of the peer review show that the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) has taken action to develop practices necessary to comply with INTOSAI International Standards and to build an independent and credible institution.

During February 23-24, Alastair Swarbrick, Senior Adviser for Public Finance and Audit Policy, Joint Initiative of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Union (SIGMA), is on a working visit to the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM). During the meetings with the CoARM’s management and staff, Mr. Swarbrick reported on the results of the peer review conducted at the initiative of CoARM.

It should be noted that the peer review was conducted starting in 2019, by a team of experts from the State Audit Office of Latvia and the Court of Accounts of Turkey, under the leadership of SIGMA.

The evaluation included the following areas: independence and the legal framework; governance; financial audit: process and quality; reporting and obtaining results and relations with external stakeholders.

The President of the Court of Accounts, Marian Lupu, appreciated the importance of this procedure, which aimed to analyze the current situation within the Court of Accounts in contrast to international practices and to contribute to the further development of the institution.

The role of a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) is to give to the Parliament, the taxpayers and the citizens the confidence that the financial means they pay to the state are used properly, rationally and efficiently, and that every member of society receives quality services for which he or she has the right, mentioned Alastair Swarbrick.

The SIGMA expert, in presenting the draft report "Peer Review of the Supreme Audit Institution", spoke about the findings, conclusions and recommendations made to improve the relevant areas.

An important emphasis was placed on the issues related to the organizational, functional and financial independence of the CoARM. In order to ensure its credibility and effectiveness, it is important that issues affecting the independence of the CoARM are addressed in detail, based on the rule of law, where its credibility and effectiveness are to be ensured.

Likewise, were highlighted the sensitive issues faced by the CoARM in its activity, such as access to information, conflicts of interest, etc.

The evaluation recommendations are intended to help the CoARM define the next steps for further strategic development in order to become a fully effective SAI in line with international standards and sound European practices.

We mention that Alastair Swarbrick also had a meeting with the management of the Public Finance Control Committee. During the meeting, officials discussed the support provided to strengthen the work of public institutions, the international evaluation process of the Court of Accounts in certain areas of activity, and exchanged views on its preliminary findings and institutional strengthening. Tatiana Cunețchi, President of the Parliamentary Committee, appreciated the effort made in carrying out the evaluation and in the preparation of the report and confirmed once again the openness for constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation.

We note that the report's conclusions show the key role of the country's supreme audit institution, based on a rational, efficient and reliable decision-making system, and the recommendations will further contribute to increasing the value and impact of audit work by the CoARM.