
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

VIIth Meeting of the Steering Committee of CoA-SNAO Cooperation Project


On 29-30 March 2011, a delegation of the Court of Accounts, headed by CoA Vice President Mrs. Elisaveta Foca, attended the VII Meeting of the Steering Committee of the project for cooperation between Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA) and the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO), organized in Stockholm by SNAO.
    The topics for discussion at the meeting focused in particular on the main objectives of II phase of the project - continued development of the basic platform for a modern audit institution in the CoA. Besides discussing the ongoing projects, the audience was informed about the political situation in Moldova and the implications for CoA.
On the first day of the visit there was held the Steering Committee Meeting where the following communications were presented by Mrs. Ecaterina Paknehad, member of CoA Board, responsible for CoA-SNAO project:
•    the progress made since the last meeting of the Steering Committee (September 2010);
•    the quality framework (part of modern management);
•    modern management (time recording, internal audit);
•    securing a greater impact;
•    fraud and corruption;
•    promoting CoA on international arena.
The next day the discussions focused on environmental audit involving auditors Anne-Marie Skorpen and Astrid Hofslagare, and Ms. Anna Aspegren led the discussions on further cooperation between the CoA and the Moldovan Parliament.