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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Heads of EUROSAI Supreme Audit Institutions, reunited during the EUROSAI Prague Post-Congress

  • 23.05.2022
  • 923

A delegation of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), led by the president of the institution, Marian Lupu, participates, during May 23-25, in the EUROSAI Prague Post-Congress meeting. The event, hosted by the President of EUROSAI, the State Audit Office of the Czech Republic, brought together delegations from around 40 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) within the European profile organization EUROSAI.

The agenda of the event includes multilateral and bilateral meetings, workshops, practical sessions, debates and presentations on sensitive and important topics of external public audit.

The first day of the event was dedicated, primarily, to workshops and sessions for exchanging ideas and experience on various topics:

  • Viewing and publishing audit results - applying modern visual tools to present audit results in a user-friendly visual narrative
  • The role of the SAI in the fight against corruption - discussions on the actions and means available to supreme audit institutions in the fight against corruption
  • BIEP - Benchmarking Information Exchange Project - promoting a flexible exchange of information and experience of benchmarking the performance of one country with another to assess what countries have achieved and what needs to be changed in order for them to perform better
  • Reactive and rapid audit - the successes and challenges of setting up an investigation audit within the SAI of the United Kingdom
  • Fiscal audit workshop - identification of audit tools, issues and best practices in SAI audit efforts, focusing on state budget revenues, taxes and how to audit them.
  • Workshop on environmental SDOs - audit of environmental aspects of sustainable development objectives, presentation and discussion of selected SAIs’ reports in certain environmental areas (water protection, waste management, climate change, air protection, biodiversity)
  • Auditing e-Gov projects - sharing experience and audit approaches in e-Gov project audits, focusing on stakeholder benefits
  • Monitoring the implementation of audit recommendations - discussions on the effectiveness of the various tracking systems used by EUROSAI members.
  • Workshop on the INTOSAI Framework for Professional Speaking (IFPP) - briefing on the new IFPP Framework, sharing participants' experiences with successes and challenges in implementing principles and standards.

The second day of the event will be dedicated to discussions on the future strategic directions of EUROSAI, as well as other important topics for achieving the current objectives of the organization.

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