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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Information workshop on strengthening internal audit

  • 25.03.2024
  • 552

The dimensioning of the internal audit subdivisions within the ministries and the administrative authorities subordinated to them, in the context of the recommendations of the European Commission, was the subject of discussions during an information workshop, organized on March 21, with the support of the Ministry of Finance (MoF).

Ludmila Popa, Head of the Directorate on Internal Public Financial Control Policies within the Ministry of Finance informed the auditors of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) about the findings of the EU Commission Opinion and the recommendations of the 2023 SIGMA Report on strengthening the internal audit function in the Republic Moldova, as well as on the intervention actions to strengthen the internal audit, established in the draft of the PIFC Development Program for the years 2024-2027.

The SIGMA Report on Public Administration monitoring, presented in 2023, recommends that the MoF to increase the country's ability to conduct external evaluation on internal audit quality, address issues related to the capacity of internal audit units and encourage institutions to fill vacancies in internal audit, so that it can fulfill its audit obligations and increase the effectiveness of the internal audit.

In this regard, the Ministry of Finance promotes the criteria for dimensioning the internal audit subdivisions within the ministries and their subordinated administrative authorities, by restructuring the internal audit services within the central office of the ministry and the subordinated administrative authorities, but also by strengthening at the hierarchically superior level.

It should be noted that within the mandatory financial audits, the Court of Accounts has constantly recommended the need to strengthen the internal audit function. Thus, the aim of the workshop was to familiarize the auditors with the policies and objectives promoted to ensure the functionality and quality of the internal audit, in the context of joint efforts to develop and strengthen these functions at country level.

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