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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Court of Accounts participated in the presentation of the reform concept of the NEA, organized by Expert-Group

  • 03.05.2023
  • 716

On May 2, the representatives of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) participated in the public event presenting the concept of reform of the National Employment Agency (NEA) with the generic title "NEA’s Reform: A new vision for a more competitive and innovative labor market".

The “Expert-Group” Independent Analytical Center and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection organized the event in partnership with the Soros Moldova Foundation.

Also, the event brought together representatives of public institutions, international organizations, national and international experts and the private sector with expertise and interest in this field.

The purpose of the conference was to discuss the necessary policies and effective mechanisms for improving the services offered by NEA during 2023-2026, so that the challenges and imbalances in the intermediation of the demand and supply of the labor market in our country are remedied, as well as strengthening and ensuring the notoriety the institution. During the event, a representative survey was presented regarding the beneficiaries' perception of NEA's activity and the institution's reform concept.

The need to reform the NEA is a priority both on the Government's agenda and in the strategic planning documents. Thus, in the activity program of the Government "Prosperous, safe, European Moldova", approved throughout the Parliament’s Decision no. 28 from February 16, 2023, under the "Work and social protection" field, are mentioned a series of activities aimed at the NEA, namely: promoting the employment of able-bodied people from the inactive group and the formal employment of the unemployed registered at the NEA, of people with disabilities and other categories of unemployed in general by strengthening the capacities of the National Employment Agency, implementing the vocational training voucher system, increasing investments in employment programs and simplifying them.

The conference represented a place for debating the vision proposed by the Government for strengthening the institutional capacities of the NEA, streamlining financing and digitizing services and employment measures, as well as increasing funding for the policy of active measures until 2026, also taking into account the context of the EU candidate status granted to our country.

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