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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The good practices of the Court of Accounts in the management of human resources, shared during the PASAI webinar

  • 23.08.2023
  • 492

On August 22, the representative of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), Teodorina Goriuc, shared in a webinar the existing good practices of the CoARM in the field of human resources management and how to develop and implement the framework of professional competences within the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI).

The event was part of the activities of the HR Champions Program, implemented by the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI), in collaboration with the Swedish National Audit Office. The purpose of the program is to strengthen the capacities of a group of SAI employees in the region in the field of human resource management (HRM). Subsequently, this group will support and share basic HRM knowledge within PASAI.

In this context, the CoARM’s representative presented the participants with the general context of the CoARM's capabilities to manage its HRM processes, as well as provided details about the process of developing the Professional Competence Framework and its correlation with job descriptions.

The webinar participants, representatives of the supreme audit institutions in the PASAI region, appreciated the knowledge and practical experience provided by the CoARM, including the practical examples of the institutional activities carried out for the transposition and implementation of the international standard ISSAI 150.

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