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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The representative of the Court of Accounts benefits from training in the context of the internship at the European Court of Auditors

  • 15.05.2023
  • 1108

The representative of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) participates in the internship program of the European Court of Auditors (ECA), which focuses on capacity building and knowledge sharing between Supreme Audit Institutions in EU candidate countries.

In this context, the CoARM’s employee in its activity within ECA, was involved in the SoA (Statement of Assurance) audit, namely the Erasmus + audit, which involves a mixed, financial and compliance audit.

Now, the employee is involved in the "CARE" (Cohesion Action for Refugees in Europe) performance audit, which aims to examine whether EU member states have deployed cohesion policy funds effectively to support refugees from Ukraine.

During the internship, the CoARM’s representative benefits from a series of presentations, workshops, both in person and online. One of the presentations was preented by the director of Chamber II "Investments for Cohesion, Economic Growth and Inclusion" of ECA, the Chamber where the auditor carries out her internship. The theme of the presentation included topics such as the international evaluation (peer review) of the implementation of the ECA Strategy for 2018-2020, the current ECA Strategy 2021-2025, and the director's experience in his activity.

We mention that the Internship Program organized by ECA lasts 5 months and is organized twice a year. The European Court of Auditors is considered an important tool to provide insight into the audit of EU funds for SAI auditors in future member states.

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