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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The results of the first international evaluation of the Court of Accounts, presented to the Parliament

  • 05.10.2022
  • 2367

"The performance of the international peer review proves that the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova is doing everything to be the most reliable, professional and relevant institution for its country", mentioned Mr. Miloslav Kala, President of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI), in the video message addressed to the practitioners at the presentation meeting of the international evaluation report.

The event was organized on October 4 within the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and brought together the representatives of the Public Finance Control Committee (PFCC), the team of evaluators, officials from the European Commission and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, as well as the team of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM).

The findings and recommendations of the international evaluation were presented by Mr. Alastair Swarbrick and Ms. Inguna Sudraba, SIGMA experts - the joint initiative of the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). According to the evaluators, the result of the peer review demonstrates that the CoARM has undertaken activities in the development of practices to meet the expectations of international profile standards in order to build an independent and credible institution.

"One of the important areas for improvement is increasing the level of implementation of the recommendations of the Court of Accounts, an area that does not depend on the supreme audit institution but requires the active involvement of the Government, audited entities and civil society, in order to increase accountability in the public sector",  noted Mr. Swarbrick in the context of presenting the report's findings.

"The Court of Accounts has put into practice all the relevant arrangements related to management and governance, in order to have an efficient activity resulting in expected results", mentioned Mrs. Sudraba during the presentation of the assessment on aspects of the institution's governance and management.

"We provided the necessary support for the consolidation of the Court of Accounts, we expected good results and we got them. We are very satisfied with the progress and achievements of the Court of Accounts, which has distinguished itself as a credible supreme audit institution with a good reputation within the European system," mentioned during the meeting Mr. Luca Oriani Vieyra, the representative of the General Directorate for Neighborhood and Enlargement (DG NEAR) of the European Commission.

"The President of the Court of Accounts has our full trust and support, and the Parliament and the Government must do more to provide the necessary resources to the Court of Accounts, for the institution to be the guardian of the management of public finances, thus increasing citizens' trust in state institutions", added the European official.

Mrs. Tatiana Cunețchi, President of the Public Finance Control Committee, noted during the meeting that the positive effects of the tandem between the relevant parliamentary Committee and the Court of Accounts have a visible impact on the legality, compliance, economy and efficiency of the use of public financial resources and public patrimony.

At the end of the discussions, Mr. Marian Lupu, the President of the Court of Accounts, mentioned that the conclusions and recommendations of the international evaluation outline the priorities of the supreme audit institution for adjusting the activity to the requirements of the profile international standards, in the context of the future guidelines for the accession negotiations of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union, in particular, of Chapter 32, which also refers to the external public audit. In the following months, based on the evaluators' recommendations, draft amendments to the legislation in the field will be developed and presented to the Public Finance Control Committee, concluded the President of the Court of Accounts.

We note that the international evaluation exercise was carried out at the request and initiative of the CoARM, during 2020-2022 by a group of international experts led by SIGMA. The purpose of the exercise was to assess the current situation on a number of strategic dimensions, such as: independence and the legal framework; governance; financial audit: process and quality, reporting and achieving results; as well as stakeholder relations. As a result, was issued the International Evaluation Report, which contains findings and recommendations to increase the performance of the supreme audit institution on the analyzed dimensions and to adjust the normative-legal framework in the context of the European Agenda of the Republic of Moldova.

The "peer review" international evaluation report is published on the official page of the Court of Accounts and can be accessed HERE.




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