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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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SIGMA country manager, visiting the Court of Accounts

  • 15.10.2021
  • 661

Ferdinand Pot, Country Manager for the Republic of Moldova of the SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union, had a meeting with Marian Lupu, President of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM).

The event, organized on October 15 at the CoARM’s headquarters, aimed at retrospecting the progress made in the support activities, supported by SIGMA and discussing the areas for future support of the supreme audit institution in the country.

SIGMA is one of the main development partners of the Court of Accounts, which have contributed substantially to strengthening the institution's capacities, remarked Marian Lupu. The President of the institution reported on the active cooperation with SIGMA experts in the context of the peer review, carried out under the auspices of SIGMA. The President of the CoARM also emphasized the importance of advising SIGMA experts at various stages of the CoARM's work, as well as the importance of maintaining cooperation with this important institution.

The CoARM’s member, Petru Rotaru and the Head of the Apparatus, Ecaterina Paknehad, reported on the challenges faced by the supreme audit institution in the country and the possible support that could be offered by SIGMA in strengthening the management of public finances.

The SIGMA official reiterated the importance of supporting efforts to strengthen the Supreme Audit Institution of the Republic of Moldova and the readiness of the European initiative to continue working with the Court of Accounts.

We note that the objective of the SIGMA initiative is to strengthen the foundations for improved public governance and to support socio-economic development by strengthening public sector capacities, improving horizontal governance and improving the planning and implementation of public administration reforms.

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