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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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A delegation of the Court of Accounts, headed by the President of the institution, is on a working visit to Ukraine

  • 01.07.2021
  • 460

On July 1, the President of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), Marian Lupu, had a series of meetings with senior officials in the context of the working visit to the Odessa region, Ukraine.

During the discussions with Serhiy Hrynevetsky, Head of the Odessa Regional State Administration, the President of the CoARM informed about the latest trends and achievements of external public audit, mentioning the importance of the joint work of the supreme audit institutions for the sound management of public money. Mr. Lupu also discussed the systemic issues of state patrimony management, addressing the theme of the working visit to the Odessa region of the CoARM’s delegation, with emphasis on assessing the situation regarding the patrimony of the Republic of Moldova abroad.

The meeting was also attended by the Members of the CoARM, Petru Rotaru and Eduard Moroșan, the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Ukraine, Ruslan Bolbocean, as well as the Consul of the Republic of Moldova in the Odessa region, Ion Ciornîi.

In the context of the visit, the CoARM’s delegation met with the head of the Odessa office of the Court of Accounts of Ukraine, Grigori Slepkani. The discussions focused on the strategic development directions of the two supreme audit institutions, the achievements and good practices that can be shared and taken over in the context of bilateral cooperation, etc.

Finally, the President and the delegation of the Court of Accounts visited the Moldovan consulate in Odessa, discussing important topics focused on the integrity of national heritage in the region, consulate support in promoting the country's image in Ukraine, and other issues of common interest.

A separate objective of these audit engagementss refers to the assessment of the situation regarding the public property of the Republic of Moldova, located on the territory of Ukraine. The objective was included in the audit plan of the mandatory engagements, at the request of the Parliament.

We mention that, between July 1-3, a delegation of the CoARM carries out a working visit in the context of the audit activity. The purpose of the visit is to examine a sample of objectives, part of the public property of the Republic of Moldova on the territory of Ukraine, with full rights, according to the legislation of Ukraine.

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