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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Climate change, discussed within an international session

  • 29.05.2023
  • 626

The representatives of the Court of Accounts participated, on May 25-26, in the session of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA). The event with the title "Climate change: progress in adaptation efforts" was organized in the context of the activities planned within the Working Group and met the representatives of the supreme audit institutions within EUROSAI, which are members of the WGEA.

The theme of the spring session focused on climate change, which in the recent decades continues to have increasing impacts, with these disruptions affecting different aspects of the environment. As a result, there are negative consequences for ecosystems and life on Earth, such as: increase in temperature, changes in precipitation patterns, decrease in the quality of water resources, displacement of natural habitats and migration of animal species, acidification of surface waters, especially oceans, etc.

These environmental disruptions caused by climate change have significant implications for biodiversity, food security, water resources and environmental sustainability. Lately, the European community is oriented towards the development of innovations, the implementation of modern technologies in the fields that generate energy sources with a reduced effect on the environment.

We mention that the work of the Working Group is focused on promoting and improving the performance audit in the field of environment, through the exchange of best practices, the development and implementation of common auditing standards, as well as the development of institutional and professional capacities of members. The Court of Accounts, in its capacity as a member, actively contributes to the activities of the WGEA, including by participating in thematic environmental audits, including cooperative ones, together with other supreme audit institutions. During the audits, the Court of Accounts evaluates the performance achieved by the national public entities in achieving the objectives stipulated in the government programs, their relevance, as well as the beneficial results obtained. At the same time, the Court of Accounts promotes good practices taken from the exchange of information and experience to contribute to the accountability of the government in its environmental protection activities, by reducing the harmful impact of external factors on ecosystems and biodiversity.

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