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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Court of Accounts hosted the General Directorate for Budget of the European Commission

  • 18.03.2010
  • 1057
On March 17, Vice President of the Court of Accounts, Mrs. Elisaveta Foca and member of the Court of Accounts, Mr. Gheorghe Cojocari had a meeting with representatives of the General Directorate for Budget of the European Commission: Head of Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) of the General Directorate for Budget, Mr. Robert De Koning, assisted by PIFC expert of the same Directorate, Mrs. Ritva Heikkinen and project manager within the Delegation of European Union in the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Oleg Hîrbu.
On March 17-18, the delegation of the General Directorate for Budget of the European Commission makes a visit to Moldova to discuss with representatives of institutions directly or indirectly involved in implementing PIFC in the Republic of Moldova, and with foreign donors in the given sector. In this context, also, a meeting with representatives of the Court of Accounts took place. Its aim was to discuss the Court of Accounts views on the latest achievements in the field of internal audit and PIFC.

Vice-President of the Court of Accounts, Mrs. Elisaveta Foca assured the representatives of the European Commission that both the European Commission and Court of Accounts have a common goal – to introduce internal control and internal audit and to strengthen public financial management in Moldova.                                                                                                           

The parties recognized the importance of this supreme audit institution in the Republic of Moldova and the Court of Accounts contribution in promoting and strengthening internal control and internal audit in our country.       

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