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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Priorities for the development of public finance management, discussed with the European official

  • 13.07.2022
  • 900

Strengthening the external public audit is one of the priorities on the agenda of the country's European integration path.

In this context, the President of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), Marian Lupu and other officials from the supreme audit institution participated today, July 13, in an online meeting organized by the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Moldova.

Luca Oriani Vieyra, Public Finance Management Expert at the European Commission (DG NEAR), discussed the results of the Public Expenditure Performance and Financial Accountability Report (PEFA), including the Public Financial Management Assessment. The European official is in Chisinau, in the context of the official presentation by the World Bank of the PEFA Report, a document that also includes the evaluation in the field of external control and audit.

The President of the CoARM also briefed the European official on the preliminary results of the Court of Accounts' international peer review and the integration of the evaluation findings into the CoARM's strategic documents and future visions. The peer review report is to be officially presented to all stakeholders in the autumn of this year.

During the meeting, the priorities of developing external public audit in the Republic of Moldova in the context of the country's European integration agenda were discussed, emphasizing common visions and approaches, shared and supported by European officials and the leadership of the Court of Accounts. The participants in the meeting reconfirmed the need for continued collaboration and cooperation in order to develop the Court of Accounts and strengthen the external public audit in the Republic of Moldova, according to the requirements of the standards of the international profile organization INTOSAI and with the rigors stipulated in chapter 32 of the EU’s Questionnaire, completed in the process of granting the status of candidate country for accession to the EU.

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