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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Seminar on “SAI Management”, Berlin, Germany, 9–11 April 2008

  • 09.04.2008
  • 1202

   On 9-11 April 2008, the delegation of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova, headed by Court President Mrs. Ala Popescu, as fully-fledged member of the EUROSAI,  participated in the “SAI Management” seminar held in Berlin, Germany and organized by the EUROSAI and the    German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). The participants exchanged opinions and shared experience about SAI management; various SAI organizational patterns; quality management; modern tools for managing SAI activity, etc. The seminar has also focused on finding an answer to the question how to obtain the highest quality in the audit process, taking into account the importance of delivering high quality reports by SAIs, which is an essential factor in the chain of governance accountability and efficiency in the public sector.

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