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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The annual and activity reports of the Court of Accounts, heard in the plenary session of the Parliament

  • 03.03.2023
  • 791

During the plenary session of the Parliament today, March 3, were heard the annual reports of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) on the administration and use of public financial resources and public patrimony for the years 2020 and 2021 and the annual activity reports of the CoARM on the years 2020 and 2021.

The main findings and recommendations contained in the annual audit reports were presented by Marian Lupu, President of the CoARM. In the context of the presentation of the reports, the President of the CoARM referred to the conclusions deriving from the financial, compliance and performance audit reports and the findings on system problems, flagged by the audit.

The annual reports of the Court of Accounts analyze and generalize the findings from the audits carried out in the period September 2020 - September 2021, and respectively, in the period September 2021 - September 2022.

The purpose of the reports is to highlight the main findings and conclusions of the Court of Accounts, to warn the Government about the irregularities and deviations found regarding the administration of public finances and public patrimony, as well as to submit recommendations to improve the situation in the field subject to external public audit, thus promoting responsibility for good governance in the public sector.

Following the hearing, the Parliament took note of the reports of the Court of Accounts and ordered, among other things, the examination by the Government of the CoARM’s reports and the undertaking of actions regarding the implementation of the CoARM’s recommendations, amending the regulatory framework regarding accounting records and financial reporting, applicable in the public sector, with the aim of remedying the existing deficiencies. Also, the Government was obliged to revalue the investment policies in order to correlate the sectoral priorities with the financial resources available for construction works at the objectives with a high degree of completion, thus eliminating the wastage of public funds.

The Parliament requested the Public Property Agency and the Public Services Agency to undertake coherent actions for the assessment and registration of patrimonial rights over public property real estate.

According to the Parliament's decision, the General Prosecutor's Office and the National Anti-Corruption Center will, within 2 months, inform the Legislature about the results of the examination of the materials submitted by the Court of Accounts in the years 2021-2022.

Also, the Parliament requested the Court of Accounts to continue the development process of the external public audit by strengthening the institutional capacities, to ensure, through the audit activities carried out, the analysis of the dynamic evolution of the systemic problems perpetuated, as well as to monitor the implementation by the audited entities of the audit recommendations.

During the Parliament session, the annual activity reports of the CoARM for the years 2020 and 2021 were also presented. Petru Rotaru, Member of the CoARM presented the summary of the operational activity focused on the management of human and financial resources, quality assurance and the internal managerial control system, international cooperation, cooperation with interested parties, ensuring the transparency of the CoARM’s activity, as well as the findings of the international evaluation reports of the Court of Accounts, made in recent years.

As a result of the hearings, the Parliament took note of the activity reports of the CoARM and recommended the Court of Accounts to strengthen the institutional capacities in the spirit of the provisions of art. 49 of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union, according to the recommendations of the "peer-review" International Evaluation Report of the Court of Accounts and the conclusions set forth in the Analytical Report of the European Union Commission (Chapter 32: Financial Control, External Audit).

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