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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The conclusions and recommendations of the Court of Accounts regarding the management of the forest fund, discussed during the session of the relevant Parliamentary Committee

  • 30.11.2022
  • 568

The team of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova participated, on November 30, in the public meeting of the Public Finance Control Committee (PFCC), during which they examined the Compliance Audit Report of the administration and management of the forest fund by the "Moldsilva" Agency.

The main findings and recommendations of the report were presented by Tatiana Șevciuc, Member of the CoARM, as well as by the auditors. The purpose of the audit was to assess the degree of compliance applicable to the administration and management processes of the state forest fund, in particular if the mechanisms applied to the management of the lands of the state forest fund correspond to the legislative and normative framework in force.

The Court of Accounts found that, although the "Moldsilva" Agency made a consistent effort in order to strengthen the mechanism of administration and sustainable management of the state forest fund, it did not lead to the expected result, and in the end it turned out to be ineffective and inconsistent in terms of regulations. The following were nominated among the most significant internal systemic deficiencies:

  • The lack of registration of the lands of the state forest fund in the Real Estate Registry led to their fragmentation and appropriation by third parties
  • Lands administered by the "Moldsilva" Agency and managed by forestry entities are not accounted for
  • The inclusion in the lease contracts and the application of provisions contrary to the interests of the lessor conditioned the non-collection of revenues of about 2 million lei
  • The lack of adequate management led to the recording of lease payments for the use of forest fund lands in the amount of 9.1 million lei
  • The erroneous interpretation of the legal norms generated conditions for carrying out transactions for the transfer of lease rights in the amount of 5.8 million euros
  • The vicious practices exercised within the forestry entities compromised the effort of the "Moldsilva" Agency to rationally administer the state forestry fund, etc.

Forests have a multifunctional role and take a long time to form, and the importance of ensuring a good diversity of species makes the sustainable use and conservation of forest resources a task of national importance, the external public audit found. Based on the audit findings, the CoARM submitted recommendations to strengthen the capacities for the administration and compliant management of the forest fund lands and to ensure the sustainability of the forest lands.

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