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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Court of Accounts will develop a professional competency framework

  • 19.10.2021
  • 1779

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) intends to develop a framework of professional competencies, which will strengthen the necessary capacities of a public auditor, for financial, compliance and performance competencies, and professional development.

In this regard, in an online format, on October 17 this year, was organized a working meeting with experts from the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) and the CoARM’s Working Group, responsible for developing the competency framework.

During the meeting several topics were addressed, such as the conceptual model that details and defines the ideal competencies expected from an auditor, individually for a specific task and for a specific position within the institution. There was also a discussion on the development of basic skills and the identification of additional skills, an important aspect mentioned was the implementation of the skills framework.

We mention that this year started the Project “Strengthening the institutional, organizational and professional capacities and abilities of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova to work and communicate according to the principles and standards of INTOSAI”. The multilateral support provided by SNAO will allow the institution to strengthen its capacities in the identified areas, including the strengthening of human resources management, which involves the development of the competency framework for the CoARM’s auditors. The elaboration and implementation of the professional competences framework will essentially contribute to the achievement of the objectives stipulated in the CoARM’s Development Strategy for the period 2021-2025.

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