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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Forum of Supreme Audit Institutions within the EU's Eastern Partnership is being held in Riga

  • 23.11.2022
  • 1271

The delegation of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), led by Tatiana Șevciuc, Member of the CoARM, participates in the Forum of Supreme Audit Institutions within the Eastern Partnership of the European Union. The delegations of the Supreme Audit Institutions of Georgia, Latvia and Azerbaijan (observer) also participate in the work of the Forum.

The event is organized in Riga, Latvia, this November 22-23, by the State Audit Office of Latvia (SAO Latvia), in the context of the Development Cooperation Project "Strengthening the capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in the improved application of INTOSAI International Auditing Standards".

Rolands Irklis, Auditor General of SAO Latvia launched the discussions on the first day of the event, focusing on the aspect of applying the provisions of the INTOSAI-P 12 standard to ensure the relevance of SAI's work to citizens. In the context, the participants shared the experience regarding strategic initiatives, practices and developments in the field, in the national and regional context (EUROSAI).

Another central theme of the discussions on the first working day focused on presenting the experience and practices of participating SAIs regarding communication and cooperation with stakeholders, the role and importance of external public audit in this process, as well as how SAIs meet the expectations of stakeholders such as Parliament, civil society, professionals, citizens, etc.

The importance of ensuring the impact of external public audit to produce benefits for society and for each individual citizen was discussed during the official meeting with His Excellency Mr. Egils Levits, President of the Republic of Latvia. The representatives of the delegations informed about the challenges related to ensuring the multilateral independence of the SAI, the national context and the existing communication practices with the Parliament, the audited entities and other stakeholders.

We note that the purpose of the event organized within the Project implemented by SAO Latvia is to share the best practices in the application of international auditing standards in the activity of the SAI, as well as to address the practical aspects of productive communication with the Parliament, society and other interested parties.

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