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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The good practices and experience of the Court of Accounts, shared within the international forum of INTOSAI

  • 14.09.2022
  • 1632

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) invited the Court of Accounts to share its experience within the international forum IDI TOGETHER Initiative Open House.

The event, organized in a teleconference format on September 12, brought together the management of the INTOSAI organization, as well as representatives of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) members of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), among them Canada, Sweden, Norway, Georgia, Romania, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Monaco, Croatia, Cyprus, etc.

The purpose of the IDI TOGETHER Initiative Open House webinar was to launch the TOGETHER Initiative, the objective of which is to support SAI to improve its governance and operational processes on human resources, ethical values, gender diversity management and inclusion.

During the launch event of the new project, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova had an intervention presenting the experience in the field of applying modern governance and human resources management instruments, especially in terms of employee involvement and loyalty, as well as the promotion of strategic values ​​and directions in the context of communication and cooperation policies within the SAI. Andrei Munteanu, Member of the CoARM and Violeta Balan, Head of Section, presented the good practices and experience of improving governance and collaboration processes and procedures, through the prism of promoting the initiative, feedback and cooperation at the entity level, in the context of the development and improvement of the strategic directions, policies, practices and procedures of the supreme audit institution of Moldova.

In the context of the Initiative launched by IDI, SAIs will be guided to lead by example in how they manage their workforce, to contribute to tangible changes in accountability, integrity, transparency and inclusion in the public sector. The initiative will include combined support for SAIs across three components: human resource management fundamentals for the SAI; SAI and ethics; and gender-responsive and inclusive SAI.


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