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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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International Seminar Enhancing Ethics within Supreme Audit Institutions

  • 03.02.2014
  • 1100

The Working Group on Audit and Ethics within European Audit Institutions of the EUROSAI organized a training seminar „ Enhancing Ethics within Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI)".  The event took place in the period of 29 - 30 January, 2014 in Lisbon, Portugal and was hosted by the Tribunal de Contas of Portugal, the institution that held the Presidency of the Working Group.   

The delegates of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA) to the international forum, Mrs. Lilia Ivasco, the Head of the Human Resources and Security Division and Mrs. Nadejda Ionita, State Controller of the General Division of Methodology, Planning and Analysis, among other participants at the event, examined the implementation of ISSAI 30 standard (INTOSAI Code of Ethics). The delegates discussed the importance of enhancing ethics within Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI), examined ethical problems in audit activity, exchanged approaches and experiences in that domain, views on the most efficient methods of managing ethical issues within SAI. 

The seminar was held in plenary sessions with separate discussions on various topics of common interest, with presentation of the participants on enhancing SAI's ethics.

The Republic of Moldova Court's representatives had the opportunity to communicate with the representative of the Spanish Court of Auditors, Mr. Enrique Alvarez Tolcheff. It should be mentioned that the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova is the beneficiary of the Twinning Project: "Consolidation and Strengthening the external public audit in the Republic of Moldova".

The CoA's Twinning Partner is the Consortium consisting of HAUS, Finnish Institute of Public Management and Tribunal de Cuentas of Spain.

Mr. Enrique Alvarez Tolcheff is a member of the Consortium's expert team involved in the Twinning Project implementation (the component "Legal Reform").

On January 31, 2014, the official ceremony of signing the Memorandum of Understanding between EUROSAI and AFROSAI took place in Lisbon. The event was attended by the CoA's delegation consisting of Mrs. Lilia Ivasco and Mrs. Nadejda Ionita. The Memorandum of Understanding will enable efficiency of experience and best practices sharing, of joint contribution aiming to improve the external public audit of the Supreme Audit Institutions of these two regional organizations.



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