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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Court of Accounts presented within the profile Committee the results of the audit of the Ministry of Finance

  • 20.10.2021
  • 2683

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) presented today, October 20, within the Parliamentary Public Finances Control Committee (PFCC), the Audit Report on the consolidated financial reports of the Ministry of Finance concluded on December 31, 2020, approved throughout the CoARM’s Decision no. 23 from 10.06.2021 and the Compliance Audit Report on public procurement within the system of the Ministry of Finance during 2019-2020, approved throughout the CoARM’s Decision no. 48 from 30.07.2021.

The most significant observations of the audit were presented by Petru Rotaru, Member of the CoARM and the audit teams responsible for the audits.

Based on the activities carried out during the audit on the consolidated financial statements, was issued an unqualified audit opinion, due to the fact that the errors found, in their entirety, did not affect the consolidated financial statements, mentioned Petru Rotaru. Likewise, the Member of the CoARM informed the Parliamentary Committee that the Court of Accounts had submitted 16 recommendations for remedying the problems detected during the audit of the public procurement compliance, the deadline for their implementation being 12 months from the date of publication of the Decision in the Official Gazette of Moldova.

Ion Bulmaga, Head of the CoARM’s audit team, reported on the irregularities in the management of financial means and public goods by the Ministry and its subordinate institutions during the 2020 management year. Thus, the public procurement process and the use of financial resources within the system of the Ministry of Finance was carried out with several irregularities and deficiencies. It was found that the violations were caused by the fact that the heads of the entities did not ensure an adequate internal managerial control of the procedures related to public procurement.

The Court of Accounts stated non-compliance concerning the preparation and publication of notices of intent and annual public procurement plans, the estimation of needs and public procurement planning, the organization, conduct and monitoring of procurement procedures, which affected the good governance of public financial resources.

At the same time, the electronic public procurement system - the Automated Information System “State Register of Public Procurement” (MTender) does not exactly correspond to the requirements of the legislation in the field. According to the report, some functionalities are not developed, which creates difficulties in the activity of contracting authorities and competent entities with functions of monitoring and control over procurement.

According to representatives of the Ministry of Finance, several deficiencies already identified have been addressed by subordinate institutions, including the State Tax Service and the Customs Service.

During the meeting, the members of the Public Finance Control Committee drew special attention to the issues related to the conduct of low value procurement, but also to the quality of human resources at the Public Procurement Agency.

The members of the Parliamentary Committee expressed their determination to intervene with legislative initiatives to change the regulatory framework in order to ensure a transparent and efficient public procurement process, noting the importance of working with the CoARM on this issue.

The chairperson of the Public Finance Control Committee, Tatiana Cunețchi, noted the importance of this objective, and mentioned that it will continue to opt for conducting audits in the field of public procurement within all the ministries in the country.

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