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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Court of Accounts hosts the Twinning mission on communication strengthening

  • 05.03.2015
  • 947

In the period of 3-5 March 2014, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA) hosts a Twinning mission, represented by Maria Luz Martin, expert of the Court of Auditors of Spain. The expert visit takes place in the context of the Component 4 "Strengthening interaction with Moldovan authorities and enhancing the impact of the Court of Accounts".

During the mission are held discussions, workshops, meetings, scheduled in the activity 4.5 "The elaboration of the reference analysis on the degree of transparency, openness and visibility in the Court of Accounts communication field with the interested parties; development of communication regulations with all parties (including the Guide of Procedure of the Parliament in examination reports)".

In the first days of the mission, the Spanish expert discussed with CoA employees, specialists in communication, leaders of the project and component issues on communication, partnerships, and cooperation with stakeholders, also the CoA, European and Spanish experience regarding this issues, weaknesses in communication and methods of improving the situation.

In this context, on Wednesday, 4th March there was held a working meeting, attended by Serafim Urechean, President of the CoA, the Plenum members, the heads of divisions and employees. In her presentations, the expert, Maria Luz Martin described the relations between the Court of Auditors of Spain and the Parliament and other counterparts, Common Assessment Framework and identification of communication partners.

In the same day, there was a meeting between foreign experts and the project leaders of the CoA with Ștefan Creanga, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Economy, Budget and Finance. The purpose of the meeting was to present the Twinning Project "Enhancing and strengthening the public audit in Moldova", which aims to improve accountability and general management of public funds in the Republic of Moldova by strengthening the capacity of external audit in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing and the European best practices. There were discussed the current stages of the project implementation, the aspects of intensification of the CoA's cooperation within the Parliament and the project activities plan for 2015, the parties expressing a mutual desire and willingness of openness and effective collaboration.

Similarly, the Spanish experts of the Twinning mission in Chisinau had a meeting on Wednesday, 4th of March with Serafim Urechean, President of the Court of Accounts. The topics of discussion were the situation regarding the implementation of the project activities, the collaboration with the CoA team and the expected results of the current experts' missions.

According to the Twinning Project, the objective of the activity 4.5 is to provide to the CoA Plenum an analysis of the reference points on openness, transparency and visibility of the communication of the supreme audit institution with all counterparts. In this context, there will be performed a self-assessment on CoA openness, transparency and visibility, which will be carried out on a contrast methodology. The second phase of the work will be focused on development of the cooperation between the Parliament, the Supreme Audit Institution (could be elaborated a new regulation for Parliamentary Committee) and the Government (may be included proposals to amend the relevant laws to ensure procedures of adequate and effective monitoring to implement the requirements and recommendations of the Court of Accounts).

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