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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Court of Accounts’ team visits the Suceava Chamber of Accounts

  • 16.12.2022
  • 927

The team of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) carried out, on December 16, a working visit to the Suceava Chamber of Accounts.

Contributing to the consolidation of good practices in the management of public finances and sharing experience in this field was the objective of the working visit.

During the bilateral discussions, the colleagues shared the practices they apply now in carrying out audit actions, including how to collect audit evidence, conduct conciliation meetings and examine how to follow up the implementation of remedial measures.

Another topic concerned the status of the auditor within the system of civil servants, the method of approving and allocating financial resources to the audit institution, especially the difficulties in ensuring the financial independence of the institution and the possibility of financial motivation of the staff.

The CoARM’s representatives shared the practice related to free access to information in carrying out audit missions and the collaboration in this regard with the tax service, customs, the Public Services Agency and other bodies holding relevant information.

Likewise, the topic of transfers from the state budget granted to the LPA, as well as their value in the entity's budget, was addressed.

We note that the meeting was organized in the context of sharing good practices and the institutional cooperation established between the two supreme audit institutions over the years.

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