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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Head of the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova paid a visit to the Court of Accounts

  • 20.09.2016
  • 1094


On 20 September, the Head of the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, Pirkka Tapiola, together with Lars Lage Olofsson, Finance Minister Adviser, Ekaterina Yakovleva, Project Manager in the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, Igoris Krzeckovskis National Anti-Corruption Council Adviser, came in a visit to the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA). The delegation had a meeting with the President of the Court of Accounts, Veaceslav Untila, and the CoA members: Tamara Andrusca, Marina Covali, Tatiana Cunetchi, Petru Rotaru and the Head of the Staff, Valeriu Chitan.

During the event several topics were put in discussion, among which of more importance was referring to the results of implementation of the Twinning project "Consolidating and strengthening the public audit in the Republic of Moldova", financed by the European Union.

The project lasted two years and the main beneficiary was the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova. The general objective of the implemented activities was the improvement of the accountability and of the public financial management in Moldova by strengthening the capacity of the external audit in accordance with the international auditing standards recognized in accordance with the best practices.

The President of the Court of Accounts, Veaceslav Untila, has reiterated the importance of the Twinning Project for the development and the strengthening of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and the need to continue with the supporting projects in order to adjust the public external audit function in the Republic of Moldova to the EU standards and requirements. The President of the institution also discussed about the importance of improving the cooperation between the Parliament and SAI, as well as to ensure the independence to the Court of Accounts at the constitutional level.

The Head of the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, Pirkka Tapiola, noted the achievements made by the Court of Accounts within the Twinning project "Strengthening and enhancing the public audit in the Republic of Moldova" and the importance of ensuring finality of the actions implemented under this project.



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