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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Supreme Audit Institutions of Ukraine and Moldova have updated their cooperation by signing a new bilateral agreement

  • 21.08.2021
  • 523

A new Cooperation Agreement between the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) and the Court of Accounts of Ukraine (CoAU) was signed on August 20. The document was signed by Marian Lupu, President of the CoARM and Valery Patskan, President of the CoAU, during the visit of the delegation of the Supreme Audit Institution of Moldova in Kiev, Ukraine.

In the context of the signing, Marian Lupu mentioned that the friendly relations and constructive cooperation between the SAIs in the two countries will continue to deepen in the future, and the new Agreement will facilitate the achievement of common objectives, derived from the National Association Agreements with the EU.

Valeriy Patskan expressed the conviction that the Agreement will enable the supreme audit institutions of the two countries to reach a new level of quality and effective cooperation.

The updated agreement will boost bilateral cooperation, established after the signing of the first cooperation document, in 2001. According to the document, the parties will achieve bilateral cooperation according to the goals and tasks of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI), as well as according to the common objectives of strengthening the external public audit and improving the public finance management system, stipulated in the provisions of the Association Agreements with the European Union.

The two institutions will cooperate in a number of areas, such as the exchange of experience in the application of INTOSAI Standards and good practices in the field of external public audit, conducting parallel and joint audits, professional development of staff, etc. It also provides for the organization of joint events, seminars, conferences, trainings. According to the Agreement, the parties will exchange information, materials and methodologies. In order to achieve these objectives, the development of three-year cooperation plans is planned.

The Presidents of the SAIs also discussed the latest developments and progress made by the institutions, as well as future plans. An important issue addressed during the discussions focused on the initiative of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova to extend cooperation to a tripartite format. Thus, a series of cooperation objectives of the three supreme audit institutions from the countries associated with the EU - the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia will be established, in order to achieve the objectives of developing external public audit and alignment with international standards, aspects stipulated in the National Association Agreements with the EU.

We mention that, on the same day, the presidents of the SAIs from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine met with the President of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, Dmytro Razumkov. During the talks, the Ukrainian speaker mentioned that the cooperation between the SAIs from Ukraine and Moldova is important for the exchange of good audit practices, emphasizing the support of the legislature to boost the cooperation of the supreme audit institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.

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