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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Visit of the American expert at the Court of Accounts

  • 05.05.2017
  • 951


Mr. Lawrence Perry, the Deputy Auditor of the Washington DC (USA) visited the CoA. Mr. Veaceslav Untila, President of the CoA informed him about the main principles of activity of the CoA.

Also, it was mentioned that the CoA activates according to the international and European standards, also and by the example of good collaboration of the CoA with NCA, Prosecutor, etc., with this aim being formed an interdepartmental Committee between the CoA and law bodies. Joining efforts and promptly reacting of the law enforcement officials to the results of audit missions that reveal the risks of fraud and irregularities in public money management has important effects in discouraging such phenomena, said Veaceslav Untila.

A good example of this is provided by the recent audit mission aimed the monitoring road traffic, which has suffered over 250 million lei, and a criminal prosecution have been started on this case.

Mr. Lawrence Perry have noted the similarities in the work of the CoA and the institution he represents, even the fact that, for a while, his colleagues' salaries were lower than at other entities.

The American expert thanked to Mr. Veaceslav Untila for the opportunity to organize this visit and the parties highlighting the importance of collaborating and transferring practices and experience.



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